Every sinologist must read Tu (1991). The boundary between political China (nationalist identity as per Wang (1988)) and cultural China (historical identity as per Wang (1988)) is unclear. According to Pye (1990), “China is not just another nation-state in the family of nations,” rather “China is a civilization pretending to be a state.”
Pye, L. (1990). China: Erratic State, Frustrated Society. Foreign Affairs, 69(4), 58.
Tu, W. M. (1991). Cultural China: The Periphery as the Center. Daedalus, 120(2), 1-32. https://faculty.washington.edu/stev.../culture-periphery.pdf
Wang, G. (1988). The Study of Chinese Identities in Southeast Asia. In J. W. Cushman and G. Wang (Eds). Changing identities of the Southeast Asian Chinese since World War II (1988, pp. 1-22). Hong Kong : Hong Kong University Press.