Saturday 3 December 2022




我怎麼看世界,世界就怎麼看我!Too bad common sense is not common. What you say is what you hear!

願你遍歷山河,覺得人間值得。Indeed, I really love the way I see the world!

世界是否精彩,看你與誰同行。Be in a different league.


 “他们说比喜欢多一点是爱 那比爱多一点呢?”

They say love is something more than mere like, then what about something more than love?


That's the ONLY Love.


Then what is slightly more than the only love?


Inability to lose someone. 


What is further than such inability?


Another myself. 


Then what is more important than another yourself?


It's you.


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