A Brief Comparison of Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism in Ancient Chinese Tradition and Philosophy
In summary, Confucianism is about humanity, i.e., equal treatment for every human in existence, regardless of race, belief, nationality, etc.
Next, Taoism is about peaceful co-existence with everything in the universe, including both sentimental and non-sentimental beings.
Lastly, Buddhism is about transcendence, to attain realization beyond the existence of substance itself, because nothing lasts forever (the existence of forever itself is nothing). Existence is only meaningful at a particular moment/time, and hence there is no need to develop any sense of attachment/emotion/sentiment to any worldly element (both tangible and intangible) in this universe, including the time itself. The existence of nothing is already a form of existence in itself; yet due to the fact that nothing is permanent, thus nothing ever truly existed at all, including existence itself.