Saturday 31 August 2019

Conceptual Framework

1. Democratic People's Republic of Korea - North Korea
2. Republic of Korea - South Korea
3. German Democratic Republic - East Germany
4. Federal Republic of Germany - West Germany
5. Socialist Republic of Vietnam - North Vietnam
6. Republic of Vietnam - South Vietnam
7. People's Republic of China - Mainland China
8. Republic of China - Taiwan

Anything else?

As a gifted writer, I just could not stop writing. 天生愛寫作的我就是停不下手呀~ In such a short span of time, over the past two years, I have published more than 500 short articles on dating advisory, modern history of China and some thoughts on bilingual translation. 在短短過去兩年間的光景裡,我徒手發表了超過500篇關於戀愛諮詢、中國近代史、雙語翻譯心得的文章喔~ And now I have found my place in the beautiful island of Taiwan! 而現在的我,總算在寶島台灣找到屬於自己的一席之地了!

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