Thursday 2 May 2019


Besides being a proofreader, my strength is to write professionally in English; and to produce original sentimental writings in Chinese literature. In formal documents, the most important things are quality and CONSISTENCY in vocabularies and styles, as opposed to informal documents. I can write both, but I do not read fiction. 和我同一地区的中小学同学相比,我不仅研究西洋汉学及中国近代史多年,而且性格思维和成长际遇独特,因此气质、文笔和沟通技巧都不像本地人。拒绝随波逐流、人云亦云,力图独当一面,积极扩展中港澳台人脉,坚持一步一脚印,从没有到有,创立属于自己的公司。

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