Sunday, 24 July 2022


相隔11年,习的大侨务言论显然比温的小侨务强势。习的overseas Chinese nationalism具前瞻性;而温则是在缅怀过去的悲情。

Sunday, 17 July 2022

Taiwan's long walk to freedom of speech

In summary, although the Constitution of the Republic of China (ROC) 1947 remains in force in Taiwan after the loss of mainland China to the communist in 1949, many local Taiwanese dissidents sought to make Taiwan independent from the ROC controlled by the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) of mainland Chinese origin, especially during the White Terror Period (1949-1992).

Wednesday, 13 July 2022


When the editor mentions "[Chiang's] goal [...] to make Taiwan independent," this implies that he fails to understand the concept of Taiwan Independence. Taiwan Independence is NOT about making the ROC independent from the PRC, it is about making Taiwan independent from the ROC and Chiang's rule.

Having moved his ROC government to Taiwan and enforced mainland Chinese rule in Taiwan after the Chinese Civil War, Chiang was the mortal enemy of Taiwan Independence, how come he became a pro-independence supporter? I have seen many editors made such conceptual mistake before. Some do not even understand the differences between the PRC and the ROC.

There is no need to make Taiwan independent from the PRC, because the PRC never ruled Taiwan. The ROC is still ruling Taiwan. ...

Tuesday, 5 July 2022

My very simple explanation on the international position on China's sovereignty (ROC, PRC, and Taiwan Independence)

Apart from the ROC and PRC, the third option is to make Taiwan legally independent by ending the ROC Constitution (enforced in 1947) in Taiwan, while preventing the PRC (established in 1949) from landing on the Taiwan Province (returned to the ROC in 1945 by Japan).

This is based on the premise that as long as the ROC still rules Taiwan, Taiwan is not independent from the old China (ROC) and hence still subjected to the eventual goal of Chinese unification on the ROC's terms. Moreover, the ROC rule was seen as a transplanted regime originated from mainland China, rather than of locally independent Taiwanese origin. 

However, Taiwan is already independent from the new China (PRC) as the PRC never rules Taiwan and hence never achieves Chinese unification on the PRC's terms.

When the ROC was founded in 1912 in mainland China, Taiwan was still under Japanese rule following the result of the First Sino-Japanese War (1895). At the end of the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945), Taiwan and surrounding islands were returned to the ROC. The subsequent Chinese Civil War (1946-1949) resulted in the ROC-PRC split as the ROC was evacuated to Taiwan and the PRC was proclaimed in Beijing in 1949. The ROC retained China's seat in the United Nations until 1971. 

The PRC insists that it inherited all the territories of the ROC, including Taiwan but excluding Mongolia and Tannu Uriankhai. The ROC pretends itself as the sole legitimate government of all of China, despite the fact that it now only rules Taiwan and surrounding islands. 

It is very hard to explain the conflicting views among 1) ROC, 2) PRC, and 3) Taiwan Independence. While Taiwan officially calls itself the ROC, but the ROC is actually the mortal enemy of Taiwan Independence; this is because both the ROC and PRC are of mainland origin and are aspiring Chinese unification.

>>> My very simple explanation on the international position on China's sovereignty (ROC, PRC, and Taiwan Independence) <<<

Friday, 1 July 2022


Beside internal self-improvement, why does the external environment matter? 

---> "Exceptional talent or intellectual prowess is no guarantee of exceptional achievement. And exceptional achievement is, of course, no guarantee of recognition." ###