Saturday 16 February 2019

最高級的憤怒 * 是慈悲! The most noble form of anger is ~ Benevolence

On personal development: Running my own business is much more enjoyable and profitable. I am a natural born entrepreneur! I don't like to mix with typical employees with common personality. Although I have the unusual capabilities, COURAGE AND FORTITUDE to do what mainstream individuals cannot do, somehow I still feel highly insecure. Ordinary people with average intelligence often view insecurity as an unfavorable thing, however bear in mind that only insecurity can ensure one to stay vigilant and keep on improving oneself! Guess who will survive in a primitive tribe? KAIZEN!

Saturday 9 February 2019


1. Sinology, Modern History of China (2004 - )
2. Languages (2007 -)
3. Dating Advisory, Female Psychology (2016 -)
4. Motivational Speaker in Personal Development? (2020? -)
5. Translation Lawyer and Divorce Lawyer? (2023? -)